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常用生活英语句子(一),Where to ?(2)

16、I'd like to see you again sometime.

17、I will treat you 。 我请客。

18、What are you in the mood for? 你想吃什么?

19、I've really had a good time tonight.

20、Whois gonna drive? 谁来开车?
Who's driving?

21、You know what I mean? 你明白我的意思吗?

22、Could you run that by me again? 你能再说一遍吗?

23、So what you are trying to say is... 那么,你想说的是...

24、Whadja do last night? 昨晚你干嘛去了?
Whadja=What did you

25、Do I have any messages? 有人给我留言吗?

26、What's on the schedule for today? 今天有那些日程安排?

27、Didja have a good time? 玩的开心吗?
didja=did you

28、Has the boss come in yet? 老板来了吗?

29、Hello! This is Hogan,is William in?
你好! 我是Hogan,请问William 在吗?

30、May I take your message? He is not in.

31、Where wouldja like to go tonight? 今晚你想上哪儿?
Wouldja=Would you

32、I am running late. 我要迟到了。

33、I've gotta get outta here. 我得离开这儿了。

34、I've gotta catch the bus. 我要去赶公共汽车了。

35、gotta=got to
wanna=want to
gonna=going to

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